There are 1440 minutes in the day.
972 minutes spent sleeping and at work.
67 minutes a day. 67 minutes you will never get back. 67 minutes devoted to something so amazing…….

We share food with those we love, with those we work with, even with complete strangers. All for that taste, that sensation that only food can bring. Would it be safe to say that you can remember the best meal you ever had? Can you remember the exact place that you had that exact meal? Maybe it could be said you even remember what you wearing during that fateful moment? What would you do if you could relive that moment every time you opened a bottle of Burns and McCoy? Condiments that will make your taste buds sing and literally make every bite that much better! A condiment that will erase all those previous memories of that amazing meal, and replace it with a feeling nothing short of elation.  Fort Collins, Colorado's one and only multi award winning hot sauce company.

Burns and McCoy is associated with Colorado Proud and proudly made in Fort Collins, Colorado.