Incredible sell-through Ultimate Carolina Reaper Powder – 3rd Party HPLC Lab tested & verified hottest on market! Independent HPLC lab results show our UC Carolina Reaper Pepper Powder is the hottest – 128.65% hotter than the nearest competitor - 246,300 Scoville Heat Units hotter in fact! Yes, this the hottest you can buy **BUT** the surprisingly fruity and sweet tropical taste will blow you away. The perfect gift for any spicy food or hot sauce lover! Try adding a dash to your favorite seasoning blends, spice up your favorite chili recipe or make tinctures and your own custom hot sauce recipes. Sold in high-barrier standup pouch with zipper for superior freshness and shelf-life. Typical shaker jars allow air to oxidize and deteriorate flavor/heat rapidly.
NET WT 2 Oz (57 g)